
[Gear] How to know which radio popup is checked

Dear all,

I am relatively new to Tizen and web programming. I am currently implememting my app in Samsung Gear S. In my app, I need to show up a popup with radio box so users can select the option they want. I implement this function based on the Samsung Web GUI example where the code in my index.html looks like this:


<div id="radioPopup" class="ui-popup"> 
    <div class="ui-popup-header">Ringtones</div>
    <div class="ui-popup-content">
        <ul class="ui-listview">
            <li class="li-has-radio">
                <label> Option1 
                    <input type="radio" name="radioset" id="radio-1" checked="checked" /> 
            <li class="li-has-radio"> 
                <label> Option2 
                    <input type="radio" name="radioset" id="radio-2" /> 
    <div class="ui-popup-footer">
        <a id="radioPopup-close" href="#" class="ui-btn" data-rel="back">Close</a> 

The UI of this code work perfectly (user can select the option and the radio index will be cheked and remembered). However, I am not sure how to retrieve the result of user's selection. My first attemp is to retrieve the "checked" atrribute as the following:

function closePopup() {
    for(var i=0;i<2.length;i++){
        var radioCheck = document.getElementById('radio-'+i);
        var checkAttr = radioCheck.getAttribute("checked");
        var isChecked = radioCheck.classList.contains('checked');
            console.log('is checked'); 
            targetNamesIdx = i;
        } else {
        	console.log('not checked');
    console.log('targetNamesIdx = '+targetNamesIdx);

However, the "checked" attribute seems not updated (even though the UI is updated). Could anyone please let me know how to address this problem? Any suggestion/hint will be very appreciated!!


编辑者为: John Ixion 13 4月, 2015


5 回复
Mark as answer


Please refer to my suggestion and you don't need getAttribute() in that case.


   var targetNamesIdx;
   document.getElementById('radioPopup-close').addEventListener('click', function(ev)
    for(var i=1;i<3;i++){
      var radioCheck = document.getElementById('radio-'+i);
        if(radioCheck.checked == true){
            console.log('is checked');
            targetNamesIdx = i;           
        } else {
         console.log('not checked');
    console.log('targetNamesIdx = '+targetNamesIdx);



This topic can help you:


Marco Buettner

I have a solution which works, but I can write it later this day

Yu-Chih Tung

Thank Vikram and AVSukhov,


Your solution works! And I am now getting more familar with how to Google the problem I will face in the Tizen development (I used to use the key word "Tizen" but it seems most the UI problem is related to JS only).


Many Thanks!




Web application model supports set of standard W3C/HTML5 features, which include various JavaScript APIs as well as additional HTML markups and CSS features. Therefore, most of the problems can be releated to HTML/CSS/JS. If you have experience in web development then you should have no problem with Tizen Web app.

Specificity can be shown when you use Tizen Device API.