Dear all,
I am relatively new to Tizen and web programming. I am currently implememting my app in Samsung Gear S. In my app, I need to show up a popup with radio box so users can select the option they want. I implement this function based on the Samsung Web GUI example where the code in my index.html looks like this:
<div id="radioPopup" class="ui-popup"> <div class="ui-popup-header">Ringtones</div> <div class="ui-popup-content"> <ul class="ui-listview"> <li class="li-has-radio"> <label> Option1 <input type="radio" name="radioset" id="radio-1" checked="checked" /> </label> </li> <li class="li-has-radio"> <label> Option2 <input type="radio" name="radioset" id="radio-2" /> </label> </li> <div class="ui-popup-footer"> <a id="radioPopup-close" href="#" class="ui-btn" data-rel="back">Close</a> </div> </div>
The UI of this code work perfectly (user can select the option and the radio index will be cheked and remembered). However, I am not sure how to retrieve the result of user's selection. My first attemp is to retrieve the "checked" atrribute as the following:
function closePopup() { for(var i=0;i<2.length;i++){ var radioCheck = document.getElementById('radio-'+i); var checkAttr = radioCheck.getAttribute("checked"); var isChecked = radioCheck.classList.contains('checked'); if(isChecked){ console.log('is checked'); targetNamesIdx = i; } else { console.log('not checked'); } } console.log('targetNamesIdx = '+targetNamesIdx); tau.closePopup(); }
However, the "checked" attribute seems not updated (even though the UI is updated). Could anyone please let me know how to address this problem? Any suggestion/hint will be very appreciated!!