
window.open with back button

Hi guys, I'm trying to log into Facebook/Twitter using Javascript.
Usually I'd use window.open and wait for a callback with the logged in token.
However, if a user fails to login, or decides to cancel the login request, they'd just normally close the window.

When I call window.open on Tizen, the window cannot be closed and a back button isn't shown by default.


If I use launchAppControl to launch the browser to login, a back button is available, however I don't know how to get a callback when a token is available.


Is there a way to either, include a close/back button in my window.open request?

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 回复
Eugene B
Hi, take a look to this doc https://developer.tizen.org/documentation/articles/social-network-services-on-tizen
Faison NP

Is there any update on this issue ? How can i set back button or close button for web view which opened by Window.open  method. Please help. 

Alex Dem

I suppose you are unable to set back button or close button for URLs which  were opened via window.open() or via window location.replace().
You are also unable to control hw keys behaviour for remote web pages.

Simplest way which I could suggest: please launch Browser via launchAppControl() with Operation="http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view" and with desired URL. You will able to close Browser which was opened in another tab

Regarding integration with facebook/twitter here is recent topic:
