
[TV] Showing Overlay Elements over 3rd party app

Hello guys,


I am developing a Tizen Web Application for TV platform. I need to run another 3rd party app (installed on a TV) from my application and then add my custom UI elements to 3rd party app.


For example what I want to do:

  • Run my app which runs 3rd party app that shows heart rate. Add some icons over 3rd party app.
  • Or maybe I can include 3rd party app into my applicaton (like iframe in HTML) and then draw all that i want ?


Could you please help me to achieve it?


Please let me know if you need more details.


Thank you

编辑者为: Serhii Kokovskyi 08 5月, 2018


4 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

" I need to run another 3rd party app (installed on a TV) from my application "


-> Use Tizen appControl API to launch application installed on device.

Application Controls

Tip&Tech: Application API Guide


"add my custom UI elements to 3rd party app."

-> You can't perform such action over other application unless you have ownership and source code.

Serhii Kokovskyi

Hi Armaan-Ul- Islam,

Thanks for quick reply.


Also I found some guide about Managing PiP (picture-in-picture) Windows for Smart TV (resource developer.samsung.com). It describes how to display TV source video, such as a TV channel or HDMI input, on your application. 



Maybe somehow I can use it for my purposes? Or maybe we have another way to achieve it?


For example:

  • run 3rd party app into my application
|                      |
|         +---------+  |
|         |TV window|  |
|         +---------+  |
|                      |
|                      |
|                      |
Serhii Kokovskyi

Managing PiP Windows


Armaan-Ul- Islam

I'm afraid No, You Can't.


PiP Window is only to show Media Content (TV Channel or Video) in a portion of your app screen, It's totally different concept from running a complete Interactive application within a minified window. As far as I know, You cannot perform such operation from Tizen TV application.