
SAP connection failed.

I want to SAP connection to android on the web widget.

I have seen sample in the site and have implemented as below.


var peerAgentFindCallback =

       onpeeragentfound: function(peerAgent)
             if (peerAgent.appName == providerAppName)
              console.log("### peerAgentFindCallback , exception , [" + err.name + "][" + err.message + "]");
       onerror : onerror


But, I have seen error meesage as below.

console.log: ### peerAgentFindCallback , exception , [ReferenceError][providerAppName is not defined]

I want to know why this error occur.





2 回复
Iqbal Hossain


In your JS file you may be missed this 

var providerAppName = "WeatherProvider";

If you have already added that, now check in config.xml. Make sure you have added these. 

<feature name="http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/feature/network.accessory_protocol"/>
<tizen:metadata key="AccessoryServicesLocation" value="res/xml/accessoryservices.xml"/>
<tizen:privilege name="http://developer.samsung.com/privilege/accessoryprotocol"/>

If you still failed, goto src/main/res/xml=> accessoryservices.xml and check if you have given different name

    <application name="WeatherProvider" >


Application name in this xml file and your providerAppName of JS must be same.

Let me know if it helps you. 



Iqbal Hossain

Note: This accessoryservices.xml  is from your Android App.