Hi, im making an app with few pages (tizen web project -> UI builder -> navigation application) and i cant handle the error which occurs while im trying to call my functions.
I have 2 related pages:
1. contacts page
2. add new contact page
I have written function "createContact" which is getting data from forms (name, lastname etc) in "addContactPage" page then is making an unique key (var key) and concatenate strings from input forms (var data). Finally it calls setItem(key, data) function and saves data in localStorage.
The "contactsPage" is set to invoke "loadContacts" function on "page create" and "page show" events.
ID's of html elements, page elements, submit buttons are set properly.
Functions are placed in new js file ./saveData.js and also in index.managed.js.
Errors that i get in browser console:
1. file:///home/alan/tizen-sdk/tools/websimulator/web/ripple.js Failed to load resource
also some warnings from ripple.js
2. Uncaught TypeError: _addContact_page.prototype.createContact is not a function
I noticed that a lot of warnings appearing (even in tizen generated files) when im creating page event (f.e on page create) functions. Most of them are same: 'element' was used before it was defined.
I just want to save data from one page to localStorage and load that data to another page. Ill be gratefull for any help.
If you need code of functions or whole project just tell me below. I dont want whole code solution, i want to know what i did wrong to avoid same errors in future development.