
Manually building web app

Hi guys,

I am trying to automate my build process through scripts and need to manually build my app. I'm using the tools included in the sdk to do this, but am running into some issues. I'm following instructions from this site: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Manually_installing_apps

I can generate the widget file without problems: "webtizen -p MyApp.wgt MyApp\"

But when I try installing the generated wgt using wrt-installer it gives me the error message: 
"## wrt-installer: XXXXXXXX installation has failed -installation or update not allowed; invalid mode"

Can someone shed some light on this?



编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 回复
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Did you try installing the apps with the "sdb" tool ? If not, please try executing the below command. The command first pushes the .wgt from the given path (to /opt/usr/apps/tmp/xyz.wgt) and installs the application from there. sdb install
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Looks like the command was stripped by the browser... Here is the command, sdb install < wgt file path >
Jihoon Chung
Hi, "installation or update not allowed; invalid mode" looks some error in the wrt-installer argument. Could you please share your wrt-installer option with argument?
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
With "wrt-installer" its the same process as mentioned in the wiki you are referring to. As you have issues with wrt-installer, so suggested you to try the alternative method i;e using the sdb install. You can also automate these commands. With the sdb commands, i could successfully install the widget onto the device without any issues. Anyways try below commands, as root. sdb -d root on sdb install xyz.wgt (assuming the widget is in the same directory from where you are running the command) PS: Also suggest to launch the command prompt with administrator access.