
jQuery MultiPage example application display error?

Hello -

I'll bet this will be an easy one for you :

1 - Using Tizen SDK 2.0.0a

2 - In Eclipse create project as follows :

    File -> New -> Tizen Web Project -> Template -> Tizen -> jQuery Mobile -> Multi-Page Application + Black theme

3 - In Eclipse create second project as follows :

    File -> New -> Tizen Web Project -> Template -> Tizen -> Tizen Web UI Framework -> Multi-Page Application + Tizen Black theme

When I run each of these in the Tizen Web Simulator Application (Chrome) in vertical orienation at 480x800, the Tizen Web UI Framework works fine.  However, when I run the jQuery Mobile,  there is a white background below the "Show page popup (as a dialog)" button.  

Question: Is this an error and if yes then is the error in the jQuery Mobile CSS definition or the index.html?

When I pushed these apps in the "Emulator Manager" it was too slow for me to test to see if the behavior was the same.

PS - I was going to upload pictures but this forum does not support image upload?  I want the image to belong to the forum, not to an external URL that may go away.





编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 回复
RaghavendraReddy Shiva
It's the iQuery CSS implimentation and the same behavior can be observed in emulator too. Might take a while to get clarification, whether it's intended or an issue to be looked at.    
RaghavendraReddy Shiva
  Bug filed. Track the below JIRA for more details. https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TDIST-108