
"The integrity of the application package must be verified. " when upload werable web app on store.

Hi Everyone!

I have a trouble when trying to upload new wearable web app to samsung store, I try to rebuild packet .wgt many times but still get below error:

Application package has failed the integrity test. 

[Expected Result] 
The integrity of the application package must be verified. 

To prove the integrity of resources when building the Application package, the hash values of the resource are saved and the values are compared with the extracted hash values from the original resource to verify the integrity of the resource at the time of building. 
See the attached file for details of the integrity test.

Anyone gor this problem before? Please help me to resolve it, thanks so much.

I'm using Tizen werable 2.3.1 SDK.


8 回复
Marco Buettner

"See the attached file for details of the integrity test."

Where are the details? :) Please share ALL information you get not only a generic message.

minh hoat tran

Hi marco Buettner!

The attached file content still same as above. 

minh hoat tran

I try to upload a hello world app, but still got this error, I actually  don't know the reason.

Any one can help me :(  

von wolfchen


In my opinion it is (again) problem of Seller Office, because I have uploaded wgt (from Tizen SDK) and tpk (from Gear Watch Designer) and there was the same problem. :) Also it looks like all binaries for Gear apps are recognized as an Android apps (check OS section in report). :)


I have send information about this bug to support, but they will probably try (as always) to convince me, that it is my bug. ;)

minh hoat tran

Hi von wolfchen!

So did you upload successful you apps again? 

von wolfchen

I have tried to recreate binaries on 2 different computers and systems (Windows 10 and Mac OS) and the result was always the same. But today I have received info from support, that they have send info about this problem to real Customer Support. :) So now we have to wait.

minh hoat tran

Oh, Thanks for your reply :)

If you have any new informations please tell me know :) 

Thanks so much!

von wolfchen


I have received info that they have fixed bug in Seller Office and you can upload new one to start certification process (I have checked and my apps are "Under Device Test").