
How to turn on the flashlight ?

Hi, everybody


If TIZEN have the flash light, how to turn on the flash light in TIZEN web application ?

Who know that TIZEN have the flash light?  I heard that TIZEN is based on Sumsung Galaxy S3 . Is it right?

Help me - how to turn on/off the flash light on TIZEN web application ? (which api function ?) Can we implement that function in TIZEN web application ?




编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


14 回复
Vineet Tiwari
Hi Adal, Do you mean to say Camera's flash light? If yes, u can use Enumeration code to turn on/off the of camera's flash light. enum CameraFlashMode { CAMERA_FLASH_MODE_OFF, CAMERA_FLASH_MODE_ON }
The front camera is not working in specific reference targets. Details of device and its functionality not working as given below. 1. The front camera is not working in the specific target device. (Ref.Device-PQ) 2. The camera flash is not working in the specific target device. (Ref.Device-210) 3. The camera's NV12 capture format is not working in the specific target device. (Ref.Device-PQ) 4. The GPU enabled Emulator has performance degradation in Camera previewing and Player rendering. Regards, Kavish
Adal San
Hi, Vineet Thanks for your help. I have been looking up the api relating to flashlight function, but I failed to get a specific sample. Could you give me the example code to turn on/off the flash light in JAVASCRIPT (in TIZEN WEB APPLICATION)? Regards. Adal.
mario na
Hi, Adal san I also need your help. Do you have any specific sample code of Camera( preview, flash light ,capture and so on)? If so , could you give me the example code of camera in Tizen Web Application?? Thank you. Best regards, mario
Adal San
Hi, Mario I also referenced project of Tizen Web Samples. You can know how to display live and capture and save into file. But Tizen 2.0 does not support Flashlight in Web project. If you give me your contact (email / skype), I will more samples and solutions that I did. Regards, Adal.
Adal San
SelfCamera of Tizen web samples
Karthikeyan dp
Hi, I also having the same problem of turning on/off flashlight with the javascript in TIZEN WEB APPLICATION. Please let me know if somebody achieved it and explain how it is done. Thanks, Karthikeyan.
Adal San
Hi, Still remaining that problem..
Vineet Tiwari
Hi, As of now we don't have any help or support to turn on/off flashlight using Tizen web application. Thanks, Vineet Tiwari
Aditya Aswani


Do we now have the option to turn on/off flash light using tizen web app?


Seoghyun Kang



When I checked the Tizen 2.4 release note, I found following information.

SystemInformation API
  • SystemInfoCameraFlash interface has been added to control the camera flash (getter and setter for the brightness of the camera flash).
  • SystemInfoEthernetNetwork interface has been added to get Ethernet information, such as IP address, mac address, and status.



Actually. flashLight sample web application was created .

Please refer it.




I cannot find flashLight sample Web app (only native dev tip).

Could you please give link to it?


Try to use following code:

    function (flash) {
        try {
        } catch (error) {
            console.log("Setting flash brightness failed: " + error.message);
    function (error) {
        console.log("Error, name: " + error.name + ", message: " + error.message);

and add following privilege:


And notice:

CAMERA_FLASH property supported only Since: Tizen 2.4

Dan-Matei Dan

maybe can we turn the video with light ON from a webapp?