Dear Friends
I am trying to create multiple resolution of Emulator using Tizen Emulator Command Line Option. But I am unable to lanuch new Tizen Emulator for different resolution using command line option..
I have followed all the steps mentioned in the below links to create multiple Resolution of Emulator,
My Command Line Option to start Emulator
emulator-x86 --skin-args width=540 height=960 skin.path=C:/tizen-sdk/tools/emulator/skins/emul-540x960 --qemu-args -drive file=C:/Users/Aravinda.Shetty/AppData/Local/tizen-sdk-data/emulator-vms/vms/Tizenx86/emulimg-Tizenx86.x86,if=virtio,index=1 -boot c -append "console=ttyS0 video=uvesafb:ywrap,540x960-32@60 dpi=3160 ip= 5" -serial file:C:/Users/Aravinda.Shetty/AppData/Local/tizen-sdk-data/emulator-vms/vms/Tizenx86/logs/emulator.log -m 512 -M maru-x86-machine -net nic,model=virtio,macaddr=70-71-bc-ba-96-2f -soundhw all -usb -device virtio-touchscreen-pci -vga maru -bios bios.bin -L C:/tizen-sdk/tools/emulator/data/bios -kernel C:/tizen-sdk/tools/emulator/data/kernel/bzImage.x86 -net user -rtc base=utc -drive file=C:/Users/Aravinda.Shetty/AppData/Local/tizen-sdk-data/emulator-vms/vms/Tizenx86/swap-Tizenx86.img if=virtio,index=2 -enable-gl -max-touch-point 6 –enable-kvm –device virtio-esm-pci
After running above commands, my command prompt returns without launching new Tizen emulator.. After running above command I am not getting any error message in command prompt..
Please let me know how to create different resolution of Emualtor using command line option or Using Emulator Manager ( In Emulator Manager i am seeing only single type of Resultion - HD 720x1280 )..
Note : I am able to create Multiple resolution of Emulator in Tizen Web Simulator without any probelm.