
How to connect between Android phone and Gear S2 via bluetooth?

Hi, I'm trying to connect between Android phone and Gear S2 via bluetooth. Android app is a bluetooth server, and Gear S2 app is a client. 

When the client tries to connect to the server, fail callback is invoked in client side(connection succeed in server side). I don't know why it does.

I used the 'connectToServiceByUUID' method of BluetoothDevice interface in the client side, and 'listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord' method of BluetoothAdapter class & 'accept' method of BluetoothServerSocket class in the server side. 

does anyone know about that? Why connection succeed in server side and failed in client side? How can I establish connection from Gear S2 to Android phone via bluetooth?


4 回复
colin Rao


I am not sure is it possible to connect an Tizen OS device(Gear S2) to an Android OS device(the phone). Just in my opinion, I think it's not OK because of them are running on different OS.



I know the devices need to support more than android 4.4  and its reach more than 1.5 GB memory required to connect to Samsung Gear S2.

Seoghyun Kang

Dear Sungho Lee,


Firstly, I think you need to check whether it is your app-side issue.

If you open the following url, you can download the SAP sample.



After you download and install the SAP sample, please test it on your device.

It will be helpful in finding the cause of the problem.


Best regards,

Seoghyun Kang



have a look at this link: http://www.samsung.com/ca/support/skp/faq/1094017 . It contains step-by-step instruction of how to connect Samsung Gear S2 with Android device. I hope it is something you are looking for.