
Get data from Heart Rate Sensor for Wearable devices


I am trying to develop an application for Samsung Gear2.

I need to access heart rate sensor and get the heart rate to send it to my host android application.

Som please let me know, how can i get sensor data.


Thanks in advance


5 回复
daniel kim


MotionAPI is available to get the Heart rate in SDK for wearable 1.0.0 and some more information can be found in Help page of Gear2 IDE.

The MotionHRMInfo interface represents Heart Rate Monitor(HRM) data.
    [NoInterfaceObject] interface MotionHRMInfo : MotionInfo {

        readonly attribute long heartRate;

        readonly attribute long rRInterval;
Since: 2.2

 • readonly long heartRate
 An attribute to indicate the heart rate in beats per minute. When a user takes off the watch device, the heartRate is set to -3. When a user shakes the watch, the heartRate is set to -2.

Since: 2.2

• readonly long rRInterval
 Peak-to-peak interval in millisecond(s).

Since: 2.2


Martin Steiner

Can you provide me with a sample code? I'm relatively new to js so only providing the info above I'm not able to produce working code.

I always get a type mismatch error.


kind regards,


daniel kim


The sample code and tutorial can be found in below link.


I wish this will help you.


Mats Wichmann

Tizen 2.3 additionally introduces a new API set for HRM access (from inside the SDK docs: Tizen Mobile Web App Programming -> API Reference -> Device API References -> System -> HumanActivityMonitor API).


In the Tizen Heart Rate Monitor (HumanActivityHRMData), is the value rRInterval the time of the most recent interval (and updated every heartbeat), or is it a rolling average of the last several heartbeats?

All the documentation says is:

readonly long rRInterval

Peak-to-peak interval in millisecond(s).

I'm trying to develop an app that needs a lot of precision in pulse detection, and a rolling average isn't precise enough.