
Gear S3 launch app or service automatically on boot up

Hi all,

I'm trying to launch my web app automatically when the device boots up. I've been reading about it on all the other forum posts, some people were saying it is not possible to launch an app with UI only a service, and to launch a service you need a partner privilege. 

Has anyone been able to launch a tizen web app or a web service automaticaly when Gear boots up? If so, can you provide a valid link on how that can be accomplished? All the links I found in the other posts were not working. Thanks


2 回复
Vlad C

I found the answer to my question here:


André Reus
  1. To make your application visible only for devices that support the Web Service Application, the application must specify the following feature in the config.xml file:
       <tizen:feature name="http://tizen.org/feature/web.service"/>
  2. To ensure that a service application is acknowledged by the platform, you must add a service application extension element (<tizen:service>) to the config.xml file of the application:
       <tizen:service id="[App_ID]" auto-restart="true" on-boot="true">
          <tizen:content src="[Start_JS_File]"/>
          <tizen:icon src="[App_Icon]"/>
  3. To use the Application API, the application has to request permission by adding the following privilege to the config.xml file:
    <tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/application.launch"/>
  4. See more => https://developer.tizen.org/development/guides/web-application/application-management/applications/service-application?langredirect=1