
Gear S watch face and screen timeout

Why on the Gear S when the screen timesout and then comes back on it uses a generic digital clock ?
As a watch face clock developer I would like mainly to inactive clock or change this.

Regards, S.


6 回复
mekabe remain

I agree.

How can we change this ?


daniel kim


If I input this definition in config.xml, then I can change the default clock of Gear S with my Clock widget.

You can select the default clock in setting menu of Gear S.

  <tizen:category name="com.samsung.wmanager.WATCH_CLOCK" />

I wish this will help you.

daniel kim


I think that this small digital clock is shown to improve the battery life because Gear S need to access network by itself and has bigger screen as well.

I've checked document but can't find any way to remove this small digital clock.


daniel kim

Clock states is consist of two part. Active state clock have the full color but always-on state clock has limited color and style.

According to UI design of Gear S, It is impossbile to change the always-on state clock as this clock is provided by system.


Nick Slobodsky

Some of the built-in watch faces have different always-on clocks. For example the default analog watches are analog in standby mode, and some of them have too much white and don't float. So it's just an undocumented feature used by Samsung.

Serg St

Built-in watch faces are native implemented by Samsung (only native clocks can inactive or change this).
For now there is no way for 3rd party developers to change/inactive this in their own clocks.