
Error while creating a facebook developer app


I am trying to develop a web application on Tizen using the facebook login (following this tutorial: https://developer.tizen.org/development/articles/facebook-app-tizen?langswitch=en), the first step is to create an  appliction at developers.facebook.com, but in the Site URL field, after choosing a web platform and when I put this address (https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html) as mentionned on the third step on the tuto, I got an error teeling me that this can't be a facebook URL!:


what's wrong? am I doing right?


3 回复
Nafisul Islam Kiron

Hello, this URL has to be your sites URL.

please check this link http://help.competizer.com/Facebook-integration-settings.html

check point # 8

karray gargouri

Thx for your reply

And sure, I guess that I put this URL (https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html) in the site URL (as mentionned in the tutorial), but it's always showning me this can't be a facebook URL.

Am i doing wrong?


Marco Buettner

I cant find the problem... The error message is more than clearly...

Instead of https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html you have to DEFINE are OWN SiteURL which not is HOSTED ON facebook.com

Exp: "http://mydomain.com/connect/success.html" is allowed...