
Enter-key suddelny doesn't work in web inspector console window to execute commands.

Using Tizen studio 1.0 (And - the same error occurs in Tizen SDK, Version : 2.4.0_Rev8)

When I debug (a Gear2s web app running in emulator) in chromes web inspector, the Enter key no longer executes what i write.
It simply gives me a new line! (The tab key doesn't work either, it simply deletes whatever suggestion chrome gave from me starting to type, not as it should, accept the suggestion.)

I've tried the chrome javascript console (F12) in Chrome itself and when launched from Chrome browser IT WORKS as expected, executing commands written in the console window upon enter key. So, the error only appears when chrome javascript console is launched from the Tizen developer studio (or SDK).

The enter key used to work, but now, suddenly gives me this strange behaviour.

Please, help. I really need the console to execute upon enter key.



12 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam


I am entering commands using enter key...and it's working fine.

1.Debug As> Tizen Web Application .

2. Web Inspector > Console Tab.



Would you please check:

Web Inspector> Sources Tab > Enable Debugging (Always enable).



Mark as answer
Anders Bergquist

Debugging IS enabled.

But I think I found the error!

Latest version of Chrome, 54.0.2840.71 is the culprit!

I tried on another machine w crome version 53.0.2785.143 and it worked fine,
then I updated chrome on that machine, and, alas, executing from console no longer works!

-> So, now I just need to downgrade Chrome!

Anders Bergquist

Latest version of Chrome, 54.0.2840.71 is the culprit!

I tried on another machine w crome version 53.0.2785.143 and it worked fine, 
then I updated chrome on that machine, and, alas, executing from console no longer works!

-> So, now I just need to downgrade Chrome!

Ricardo Trindade

The same thing is hapenning here! Any other way to work around this?

Kaushik Das

I am also facing the same problem. My Chrome version is 55.0.2883.75 m (64-bit). I am now looking for chrome version 53.0.2785.143 as suggested by Anders Bergquist.
But there should be a proper fix for this issue. Requesting Tizen Studio team to check this issue urgently. Many other developers are also facing the same issue!

Kaushik Das

I could not get 53.0.2785.143, instead I found 53.0.2785.116 from the Internet. Even after trying with that I faced the same issue with my Tizen Sudio 1.0.1 installed on my 64 bit Windows 7 machine. Still by pressing ENTER the console commands are not executed. Please suggest some solution.

Anders Bergquist

I cannot quite remember where I found the 53.0.2785.143 version, but after a little searching i believe you could try https://www.neowin.net/news/google-chrome-5302785143 ehere you have versions for different windows versions.

(After downloadning the 143 version i saved the chrome.exe and subdirs to a separate backup directory, just to be able to easily replace any automatic updates that google pushes...)

I really hope Tizen admins are watching this thread, since it's a cumbersome issue that needs attention! (But since the thread started already in late october and nothings been done, I guess we will just have to hope for next google version to fix it "behind the scenes."..)

Kaushik Das

Thanks for sharing the URL. I also found it this morning. But in that URL the link to download Chrome 64-bit Offline Installer [http://redirector.gvt1.com/edgedl/release2/alv5ahn6q90epzike3yqhl5d69bvs8eweo7afsnz8cvxtc4b5w091wnkdx0udcu1vb6v39k93bezefikvnd9nopd3ngjos08n53/53.0.2785.143_chrome_installer.exe] is no longer valid and returns 404! :( 

Kaushik Das

I am finally able to make it work. Earlier when I tried with Chrome version 53.0.2785.116 I gave the path to Chrome version 53.0.2785.116 in Window->Preferences->Web->Chrome->Chrome Settings->Location. But it used to still pick the Chrome version 55.0.2883.75 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\ which was the default Chrome. I then uninstalled default Chrome and used Chrome version 53.0.2785.116 and that has worked!

BTW, I have found that Tizen Developer Site mentions "For all functions of the Web Inspector to work properly, use the Chrome™ 52 or lower version" as prerequisite requirement for Web Browser (Chrome™) [https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download/installing-tizen-studio/prerequisites]. They also mentiones link to older Chrome versions [http://www.slimjet.com/chrome/google-chrome-old-version.php]. Although, in this case I am finding that even with Chrome version 53.0.2785.116 it is working fine.

Therefore, if anyone else is facing the same problem please check your Chrome version and if that is more than 53 (as per prerequisite 52) please uninstall that Chrome version and migrate to 52 or lower version of Chrome.

At the same time it is a request to Tizen Studio people to find a proper solution such that it works well with higher versions of Chrome as well (because in most of the systems Chrome is configured to update automatically, by default).

Also, please check why it picks default Chrome path even when a different path is mentioned inside Window->Preferences->Web->Chrome->Chrome Settings->Location.

Alex Kalinin

I found the piece of code, that is responsible for this bug, but I can't fix it. As I understand is it located inside TV system's virtual image.

In WebInspector feature the "DOMExtension.js" in function "isEnterKey(event)"
is used such Event's property as "keyIdentifier", but it is not presented in Chrome keydown event. 
This why pressing "Enter" never calls the callback.

Hope Samsung's devs will fix that and update the image in nearest future.

ALEXEY baranov

Still have the same issue on Win7x64 and chrome  56.0.2924.87 dev (64-bit)

Vitaliy Potapov

If you still have this problem - I found the solution that works in stable chrome.

1. Install separate webkit-devtools: 

npm install vitalets/node-webkit-agent-frontend

2. Run the server:

~/projects/tv-app$ webkit-devtools-agent-frontend
WebKit devtools agent front-end listening on http://localhost:9090

3. Open your chrome browser on the url:


Where `` is IP of the target device.

Now it works.

I made a pull request with fix to original repo, but until it merged you can install directly from GitHub as I described above.