I have recently submitted an application for Gear S2 which uses the device orientation sensor. Without the data from this sensor the application can't work properly.
My application has been rejected. In the video attached to the rejection I can see that at the start of the application there is a popup saying that device orientation is not supported. It is a check I make at the start of the application. I subscribe to the 'deviceorientation' events:
window.addEventListener( 'deviceorientation', onDeviceOrientation, false ); }
I also check the device capabilities which are needed according to the documentation of the DeviceOrientationEvent in the Tizen SDK:
- Required feature:
On emulator it works fine, when I generate events using the control panel. However, it seems that on the device that the application was tested on in the Samsung Apps, this capability is not present and deviceorientation is not supported.
Does anybody know why this happens? Is it possible they have incomplete devices in the Samsung Apps test department? Could someone who owns an official Gear S2 please check if deviceorientation works?