I'm writing web app code in TIZEN. All client pages i've writed on html and javascript. What script do i use for server pages? For example in order to connect db?
You can use Ajax calls for retrieving data in JSON or XML format.
Tuvia Khusid
Tuvia Khusidkonduri sai swathi
2013年 10月 01日 03:28
Thank you
Vikram Nyamthi
Vikram Nyamthi
2013年 10月 01日 02:30
What script do i use for server pages?
Use Ajax calls to retrieve/post from/to the server.
For example in order to connect db?
Do you mean you want to create/connect to a webdb? If yes please see "window.opendatabase()" in javascript.
Tuvia Khusid
Tuvia KhusidVikram Nyamthi
2013年 10月 01日 03:27
Thank you
Lakshmi Prathyusha
Lakshmi Prathyusha
2013年 10月 01日 05:18
I'm using webSQL for getting data from existing database. I'm not getting anything. Is there any process to retrieve the data from database ?
Tuvia Khusid
Tuvia KhusidLakshmi Prathyusha
2013年 10月 01日 05:28
Yes. It's work. Thank you.
Dear Lakshmi,
Can you please reply to my another answer ? I'm trying to work with emulator but there are some little problem
(i've asked on 09/26/2013?
Thank you
talari praveen kumar
talari praveen kumarLakshmi Prathyusha
2013年 10月 01日 05:29
Hi Lakshmi
In web there are no apis to retrive data from existing database. In native it is possible, so its better to use hybrid app to get data from existing database