
Camera app - no Camera image, even though permission and object acquired

Using a Camera App from the Samples (SelfCamera) it works great on the Emulator and Web Chrome via Webcam, but when runned on a test developer device there is no image (even though there is a permission and the app asks for it when starts and allowed is selected).


Also when you switch back to the Camera app (normal Camera app) the error message Camera filed appears, so it looks like the SelfCamera Test App is holding onto the Camera Object and is not releasing it on Home press. Strangely enough if after reboot the Camera app is started first and then the 3rd party camera app, there is no such issue.


What is the best way to release the Camera object on home press?


Thank you!

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 回复
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Yes, there are issues accessing the front camera on the device. Please follow below JIRA for the updates and feel free to write your comments. https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TDIST-195 On Tizen 2.1 image, have quickly verified and don't see any issues accessing the native camera apps after launching the "SelfCamera" sample app (while selfcamera still running in background). And per implimentaion, the home key always sends the running application to the background and brings the Home screen to the foreground. So you might need to listen to appcore's internal callbacks for "Pause" which is called when the window of the application becomes invisible (event triggered from Window Manager). In this callback, you can release the held resources and acquire them again when the application is resumed back, on "Resume" event (event triggered from Window Manager). Thanks !!
Loïc Calvy
Works for us on PQ 2.0.0 you can install 2.1 M0 drivers. Front Camera works but it's quite unstable.
Lakshmi Grandhi
can you give link for drives to download.