
The application on the emulator does not start.

On the simulator, the application works fine, but it does not start on the emulator. Gives an error message.
Problem Occurred:
'Launching MyApp' has encountered a problem - closed. In Details: closed closed. 
What could be the problem?

My Tizen Studio - version 2.5; Emulator - HD1080TV, platform - tv-samsung-4.0-x86.


2 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Web Simulator is more of a browser with resolution size of TV Screen , you don't need any hassle to run app on it.


But when it comes to a Tizen Emulator, it's replicate Tizen device. You need to create Tizen TV Certificate and set that certificate active, Then clean & build the project and deploy. Related guide:

Creating a Certificate Profile


Make sure Project platform version & Emulator version is same.

Elena Iavorska

Thank you for your reply!
Problem solved, installing in config.xml privilege: http://developer.samsung.com/privilege/productinfo., made Build Project, and after that the project in the emulator started.