Hello, I'm trying to debug a native application, but it's not working. Here's what I'm doing:
- > sdb launch -p 0x6f7d3538 -e Physics2012Example.exe -m debug -P 9999 -t
- ... successfully launched
I'd expect to see a message about waiting for the debugger there, sure enough when connecting gdb it fails, pkgcmd and ps also confirm the process has not been launched. Examining dlog:
- D/AUL (29101): launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad(233) > [SECURE_LOG] launch request : 0x6f7d3538.Physics2012Example
- D/AUL (29101): app_sock.c: __app_send_raw(262) > pid(-2) : cmd(0)
- D/AUL ( 466): pkginfo.c: aul_app_get_appid_bypid(134) > second change pgid = 29099, pid = 29101
- D/AUL ( 466): app_sock.c: __app_send_raw(262) > pid(-4) : cmd(0)
- E/AUL_PAD (28525): launchpad.c: __adjust_file_capability(927) > cap_set_file failed : /home/developer/sdk_tools/gdbserver/gdbserver
- I/ENV_CONFIG(29102): osp-env-config.c: get_app_rootpath_from_path(100) > [SECURE_LOG] input bin_path: /opt/apps/0x6f7d3538/bin/Physics2012Example
- I/ENV_CONFIG(29102): osp-env-config.c: do_pre_exec(672) > [SECURE_LOG] do_pre_exec() is called, bin path: /opt/apps/0x6f7d3538/bin/Physics2012Example, app root: /opt/apps/0x6f7d3538, app id: 0x6f7d3538.Physics2012Example, pkg id: 0x6f7d3538, osp-compatible: 0
- I/ENV_CONFIG(29102): osp-env-config.c: do_pre_exec(727) > [data_caging] do_pre_exec() succeeded.
- E/AUL_PAD (29102): launchpad.c: __normal_fork_exec(414) > unknown executable error - /home/developer/sdk_tools/gdbserver/gdbserver
- D/SENSOR (29102): client.cpp:good_bye(767)> Good bye! Physics2012Exam(29102)
- E/AUL_PAD (28525): launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(697) > error founded when being launched with 29102
- D/STARTER ( 621): lock-daemon.c: lockd_app_dead_cb(631) > [STARTER/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/starter-0.5.20/src/lock-daemon.c:631:D] app dead cb call! (pid : 29102)
- D/STARTER ( 621): menu_daemon.c: menu_daemon_check_dead_signal(497) > [menu_daemon_check_dead_signal:497] Process 29102 is termianted
- D/STARTER ( 621): menu_daemon.c: menu_daemon_check_dead_signal(524) > [menu_daemon_check_dead_signal:524] Unknown process, ignore it (dead pid 29102, home pid 28802, tray pid -1)
- E/AUL_PAD (28525): launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(697) > error founded when being launched with 29102
- E/AUL_PAD (28525): launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(720) > process launched, but cmdline not changed
- D/APP_CHECKER( 466): ac_server.c: __check_launch_privilege(85) > [SECURE_LOG] type : tpk / so name : libmdm-appchecker.so / func : b6f83735
- D/RESOURCED( 901): proc-noti.c: recv_str(87) > [recv_str,87] str is null
- D/RESOURCED( 901): proc-noti.c: process_message(169) > [process_message,169] process message caller pid 466
- E/RESOURCED( 901): proc-main.c: resourced_proc_action(164) > [resourced_proc_action,164] Empty pid or process not exists. 29102 D/RESOURCED( 901): proc-noti.c: safe_write_int(178) > [safe_write_int,178] Response is not needed
- D/AUL (29101): launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad(244) > launch request result : 29102
- D/MDM ( 466): mdm.c: mdm_get_service(157) > trying to lock the Mutex
- D/MDM ( 466): mdm.c: mdm_get_service(157) > Mutex locked
- W/MDM ( 466): client.c: mdm_client_connect(177) > * Warning * please register a client for activating a server: 111.
- D/MDM ( 466): mdm.c: mdm_get_service(171) > Mutex unlocked
- D/AUL_AMD ( 466): amd_key.c: _unregister_key_event(155) > ===key stack===
- D/AUL_AMD ( 466): amd_key.c: _unregister_key_event(160) > pid : 621
- E/Tizen::App( 1113): static int Tizen::App::_AppLifecycleManager::LaunchCallback(int, void*)(699) > Cannot acquire app for 29102.
- E/Tizen::App( 623): static int Tizen::App::_AppLifecycleManager::LaunchCallback(int, void*)(699) > Cannot acquire app for 29102.
- D/AUL_AMD ( 466): amd_request.c: __add_history_handler(210) > [SECURE_LOG] add rua history 0x6f7d3538.Physics2012Example /opt/apps/0x6f7d3538/bin/Physics2012Example
So it seems gdbserver is failing to launch. This is on a Samsung Z9005 (SDK 2.2.0) - I've tried more than one device and I'm seeing the same thing. This tpk runs fine if launched without debugging like this:
- sdb launch -p 0x6f7d3538 -e Physics2012Example.exe -m run
Running/debugging via the TizenIDE is not an option at the moment.
Any suggestions?
Niall Glynn