

unable to launch app on emulator - screen shots

I am having trouble in launching Native App on emulator.

Below is the error

An internal error occurred during: "Launching HelloNative - Debug".
org.tizen.common.sign.exception.CertificationException: Can't create XML Signature file

Screenshots are attached





编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 回复
wil smith
Cross check if your perspective is set to "Tizen Native perspective" and Secure profile is set to a proper certificate/create a fresh cerificate and set it.
Anna K
Yes it is set to Tizen Native Perspective. In the above screenshots also it can be checked. Also created a fresh certificate and tried. The problem is with only one project. All the other native projects are working fine.
wil smith
Sometimes it happens if you import an project (dveloped in some other SDK version). You can recreate a new app with same name and copy the source and resource files manually to avoid it.
Leo Joseph
Hi Anna K, Try Deleting your application from the Emulator and re-install your application again. I faced the same kind of problem and it worked