
Unable to deploy TPK from IDE


i am not able to deploy tpk from IDE to device (also emulator doesn't work). I am attaching the Log from IDE​.


[Creating the package...]


[Created the package:/Users/lukasjezny/workspace/shader/Debug-Tizen-Device/G6yunh8TjN-1.0.0-arm.tpk]


[Transferring the package...]


[Transferred the package:/Users/lukasjezny/workspace/shader/Debug-Tizen-Device/G6yunh8TjN-1.0.0-arm.tpk -> /opt/apps/PKGS/G6yunh8TjN-1.0.0-arm.tpk]


[Installing the package...]

$ pkgcmd -l  | grep G6yunh8TjN

debug level init 1(1) 

$ pkgcmd -q -i -t tpk -p /opt/apps/PKGS/G6yunh8TjN-1.0.0-arm.tpk; echo cmd_ret:$?;

package path is /opt/apps/PKGS/G6yunh8TjN-1.0.0-arm.tpk

debug level init 1(1) 

__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[tpk] pkg_name[] key[start] val[install]

__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[tpk] pkg_name[0000000000] key[end] val[fail]

processing request 1 failed


(1.504 sec)

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


15 回复
Lukas Jezny
I've update image in device: https://source.tizen.org/documentation/flash-image-device Then i uploaded the Mali OpenGL drivers (optional) https://source.tizen.org/documentation/creating-images (only no.3 is needed, not needed to build a new image) Lukas
Check Command line tools and details is given in below link. https://developer.tizen.org/help/topic/org.tizen.native.appprogramming/html/ide_sdk_tools/using_cli.htm?resultof=
Arun jain
Hi, Follow below steps and go through Tizen help document 1) Create a package file of the application. (for creating pls refer the topic Tizen Web Application Programming > Application Development Process and Tizen Native App Programming > Application Development Process in help contents of IDE) 2) Once your package file is ready, push this package file to apps folder under opt folder. This you can find in connection explorer tab provided you must have connected your device to PC via USB cable. i) For Widget package file created(web apps) - push the wgt file created under opt/apps folder ii) For tpk package file created (native apps) - push the tpk file created under opt/apps/PKGS folder 3) Open the command promt and type the below commands. 1. sdb -d shell (this connects to the device shell prompt) Installing command : 1. pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p/opt/apps/widgetpackagename.wgt 2. pkgcmd -q -i -t tpk -p/opt/apps/PKGS/tpkpackagename.tpk Thanks
Ben Prendergast
I've tried all the steps above and still get the same error. Has anyone deployed to a device yet?
Use below steps and goes through Tizen help link document. 1) Create a package file of the application with the help of given link. https://developer.tizen.org/help/topic/org.tizen.native.appprogramming/html/app_dev_process/packaging_app.htm 2) Once Package file generated need to sign the application package. Use below link for Signing the Application Package. https://developer.tizen.org/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.tizen.native.appprogramming%2Fhtml%2Fapp_dev_process%2Fsigning_application_package.htm 3) Once your package file is ready, push the tpk file created under opt/apps/PKGS folder This you can find in connection explorer tab provided you must have connected your device to PC via USB cable. 4) Open the command prompt and go to tizen-sdk\tools folder where SDK installed. 5) To install application type below command. pkgcmd -q -i -t tpk -p/opt/apps/tmp/ tpkpackagename.tpk 6) To launch application type below command /usr/bin/launch_app appID.AppName
Ben Prendergast
That is almost the same as Arun's post but missing the sdb to get to the device. Either way, step 5 fails with the following error: package path is /opt/apps/PKGS/chT6QHH55L-1.0.0-arm.tpk debug level init 1(1) __return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[tpk] pkg_name[] key[start] val[install] __return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[tpk] pkg_name[0000000000] key[end] val[fail] processing request 1 failed The empty package name is a bit suspicious to me. This is just a sample project that works fine on the emulator.
Ben Prendergast
We finally got things to run on the device from the IDE by changing the configuration. However the TPKs are still busted. My team has this on 5 machines so far the the TPKs still won't install, so pretty sure this is a compile issue with the SDK.
The above procedure I have given is working fine for me. I have tested this method on Tizen SDK version 2.0. I assume that above procedure will work for you.
Ben Prendergast
We had to flash the device again for some reason and it is working. Thank you.
If binary mismatch on device in that case also it will not work. I think you have install correct binary on target device and your problem solved.
Awais Zaka
Tried all the steps mentioned by Kavish on April 25 post and it fails at step 5. Same error reported by another user : debug level init 1(1) __return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[tpk] pkg_name[] key[start] val[install] __return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[tpk] pkg_name[0000000000] key[end] val[fail] My developer device is REF-210 VERSION 2.0.0a3. If it needs new firmware, please can someone post instructions to get the image and flash on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.
it will be better to raise new thread instead of hacking other thread. Which SDK you are using . Just flash the correct binary. If binary mismatch it will not work. Also check device date and time is upto date or not. If device date is in past in that case also not work.
You can use latest SDK and latest binary after that try above procedure it will work.
Awais Zaka
I'm using the latest SDK 2.1. There may be a binary mismatch. How can I get the latest binary and flash it on a Windows 7 machine?
if you are using latest Tizen SDK then you have to flash latest binary on target device. Using below link you can flash correct binary on your device. https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Flash_Tizen_2.1_Image_to_Reference_Device#For_RD-210 If you using latest SDK but in your target device you have old binary then application will not work on device.