Hi there,
I've got a problem parsing a String to a Double coordinate.
I'm using Tizen::Locations::Coordinates::Parse.
The Input String looks like this "123:12.123".
But I get:
ERROR / Tizen::Base ( 8880 : 8880 ) : static result Tizen::Base::Double::Parse(const Tizen::Base::String&, double&)(156) > [E_NUM_FORMAT] Double parse failed with reason (E_SUCCESS). Scan stopped at (.123)
ERROR / Tizen::Locations ( 8880 : 8880 ) : static result Tizen::Locations::Coordinates::Parse(const Tizen::Base::String&, double&)(327) > [E_INVALID_ARG] Failed to decode the minute part.
So my question is...what am I doing wrong? :-)
Thanks for any hints.
- Cat