
tizen system font


the font releated api..

What should I do to install the fonts?

2.2.1 ( https://developer.tizen.org/ko/forums/native-application-development/custom-font-%EC%A0%81%EC%9A%A9-%EB%AC%B8%EC%A0%9C.)

but, I'm used 2.3.


p.s api is not enough. I wonder what to do what to study.


6 回复
Jean Yang

Hi , 

You can have look at IDE help Tizen Mobile Native App Programming > Programming Guide > UI: Creating the Application UI ->font setting

시언 박

thank you.

<IDE help Tizen Mobile Native App Programming > Programming Guide > UI: Creating the Application UI ->font setting>

i think it is font setting of application UI.

are the fonts installed on tizen?? 

Jean Yang


I think there are default font and your own font, I assume you want to set your personal font then instead the default :


Setting Your Own Font
You can create your own font and use them in your application. Before using your fonts, set the path for the fonts. Use the evas_font_path_global_append() or prepend function once when the application is launched.
 char *font_path = "/opt/usr/apps/org.tizen.myapp/res/fonts/";
After calling the evas_font_path_global_append() function, you can load your fonts including the family name and style.

시언 박

Thank you :)

I don't used the font in my application.

I wanna make default font in tizen system.


here!! :)

Minsu Han


In Tizen 2.3, user could not change system-font.

Instead of that, user can change application font set. It is already described by Jean Yan.

Since Tizen2.4, we will support this feature.


시언 박


보내주신 메일을 받고 그러면 타이젠 스토어에 있는 모노타입이라는 회사의 애플리케이션(2.3 버전에서 시스템 폰트 변경가능)은 어떻게 구현한 것인지 너무 궁금해서 모노타입 측에 문의를 해보았습니다.

운이 좋게도 엔지니어 분과 연결이 되어서 몇 마디를 나눌 수 있었는데요,

2.4 에서 나온다는 템플릿만 없을 뿐 2.3을 가지고 구현을 하였다. 라는 답변을 들었습니다. 어떤 방식 또는 API는 듣지 못했습니다.

그래서, 말씀해 주신 부분에 대해 다시 질문을 드리고 싶습니다! ..
