Dear Tizen Geeks,
I need to parse a vcard string to store in the Contact db as contact.
There is a native API for VCARD parsing.
I have implemented my code:
const char *msg = "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN;CHARSET=UTF-8:Hyman;Jeffrey;;;\nFN;CHARSET=UTF-8:Jeffrey Hyman\nTEL;TYPE=VOICE;PREF;CHARSET=UTF-8:123456789\nEMAIL;TYPE=WORK;PREF;\nNICKNAME;CHARSET=UTF-8:joey ramone\nREV:2015-02-09T07:08:58Z\nEND:VCARD"; INF("VCard : [%s]", msg); contacts_list_h list = NULL; contacts_error_e err = CONTACTS_ERROR_NONE;
err = contacts_connect();
ERR("contacts_connect Error[ %s ]", get_error_msg_contact(err));
err = contacts_vcard_parse_to_contacts(msg, &list); if( err != CONTACTS_ERROR_NONE) ERR("Error[ %s ]", get_error_msg_contact(err)); contacts_list_destroy(list, true); err = contacts_disconnect(); if(err != CONTACTS_ERROR_NONE) ERR("contact_disconnect() is failed(%x)", err);
The problem is, if I send different version's (except version 3.0) VCard string to contacts_vcard_parse_to_contacts API, the API can't parse it.
Any idea about this?
Your support is appreciated!
//Mohammad N. Nobi