
Is the sound window generating an event ?


Here is a simple question.
When you press the sound physical button on the side of the device, the screen fade a bit and a menu shows the current sound level.
Is it trigering an event (allowing for example to pause the application logic for a moment) ?
If yes, what king of event is triggered ?



编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


6 回复
I've heard that side up/down key is not supported in 2.1, but it will be supported in future release.
FYI, KeyEvent Interface reference But, side up/down, home, power key will not be comming.
Benjamin Blois
Ok, thanks for the idea, But as I could use the KeyEvent to trigger the pause, I would be annoyed to resume the application once the screen is gone. And the problem is not to know whether the key is pressed or not, but to know if there is this annoying screen over my application, to pause it while it's here. Any idea ?
Benjamin Blois
I'm still having this problem, is this really no firing any event ? Because it's really annoying in game...
Pushpa G
Hi, As you know, currently volume key event is not getting to the application. Also there is no notification for the volume popup. So unfortunately, there is no way to find if volume popup is come up.
Its the same as the Low Battery popup, it doesn't generate any event neither. It would be nice to be able to catch these in a game.