
Is Secure Database really secure?


I have created a database, then inserted some data into it.
Then I created a secure database (with ConvertToSecureDatabase), and then inserted the same data into it.
Then I compared the 2 database files, and they were exactly the same, byte-by-byte.

I was wondering, why is is called Secure Database if it is the same as the "normal" database?

thank you

ps: I tried only on Emulator. Feature "http://tizen.org/feature/database.encryption" returns 'true'

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 回复
Hi Zoltan Puski, The main idea here is to provide a safe mechanism to share the database with other applications in the same device by using the identical key. The contents written to the secure database file is automatically encrypted and the contents read from the secure database file is automatically decrypted by the platform. Kimi.
Zoltan Puski
Thanks Kimi. Then how could it be that the nonsecure and the secure database files are exactly the same? (I have not tried on device, only emulator yet)
AFAIK if the secured database is copied into a different device then, the encryped version cannot be read. Kimi.
harish kumar kavali

i create a database using secure way and found that we
can access it with any key irrespective of the key used in construct method
if this is the case then what is the need for key