
SAP (Samsung Accessory Protocol)?

Is SAP supported by Tizen mobile native? I can't find any samples or guides about that.

I will appreciate for any hint.



19 回复
Iqbal Hossain

Both native and web samples are available here 



Slawek Kowalski

Thanks for reply but I asked about Tizen mobile Native not Android.  I know samples for Android and I use SAP API for Android and Wearable Web.


John Ixion

afaik Tizen mobile is not supported atm: maybe they'll announce something next week at the dev conference

John Ixion

forgot: Samsung had a Gear Manager (for Tizen) project a year ago, has been cancelled...

Slawek Kowalski

Ooo, I didn't know. I hope Samsung added SAP support for Tizen 3.0. This library is very missing in Tizen Native/Web.

Especially that SAP works for Wearable Native but missing for Mobile Native (missing headers sap.h, sap_file_transfer.h).




John Ixion

yeah I know, a Samsung Tizen watch can't talk to a Samsung Tizen phone: would be unthinkable with Apple devices...

Samsung copies Apple in about eveything except the most fundamental concepts...

Tizen is me
Hi, slightly offtopic, but how to test SAP with emulator ? Or we should use device ? Thanks
Slawek Kowalski

Yest, it is possible to tet SAP on Tizen SDK emulator. Long time ago I saw tutorial about that:

how to configure emulator to test SAP library. It uses then Wifi connection, configuration is not easy but possible.

You must check Samsung developer site:  developer.samsung.com/ , both resources and forum.

Additionally, you can use RTL (Remote Test Lab) to test SAP connection - also via Samsung develper.


Tizen is me


Peter Wegner

I have yesterday just for fun compiled the AccessorySDK_Sample_v2.5.1.zip for my SM-R732... successfully.

And tried for my SM-Z130H...

Z1 "failed" ... native TPK can't be compiled for Mobile Profile... but the Widget... but both are misssing:



I can start the Widget on Z1... And you see text on screen...

Nothing more...


Will try few other things next days...

"but how to test SAP with emulator "


Good question...

I know only Filesmanager Team offers something for PC...



So they find way to use Samsung Accessory with Computer...


No idea how, as it is an paid app...


Only as info.


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

""Yest, it is possible to tet SAP on Tizen SDK emulator. Long time ago I saw tutorial about that:

how to configure emulator to test SAP library. It uses then Wifi connection, configuration is not easy but possible.

You must check Samsung developer site:  developer.samsung.com/ , both resources and forum.""


This sounds interesting.


Please, maybe somebody found these Tutorials and can add Links here.

I need WiFi for some exercises.



Thanx in advance.


Best Regards

Slawek Kowalski

Actually I found it:


Peter Wegner

Thank you very much.


Will check this weekend and report success or fail.

Depend on my little brain.


Best Regards

Slawek Kowalski

You are welcome :)

Peter Wegner

Google search, my first findings...



Sorry for huge Copy and Paste...


Now I need only Tutorial for my little brain...


Best Regards


he transports on which the
Service Consumer
is able to
operate. The Samsung Accessory Service
supports the
transport types. If your
Service Con
supports multiple
transport types, declare multiple <
> elements.
The current version of the Samsung Accessory Service Framework supports
and TRANSPORT_WIFI (only for Emulator)
. Other types will be
supported soon.
Peter Wegner



At the moment I give up with SAP and Emulator... "WiFi"...


If I remember correct I have something like this:


As problem in Tizen Studio... in older SDK I am able to use Network stuff...


Never change an running system... and I loose to much time with adventures experiments with Tizen Studio...


I lost to much time with playing around with Gear Manager Android...

Why I need again Smartphone... why not direct connect with Gear ?



Old Gear Manager Beta from Tizen is the best app I have at the moment.


It works perfect with my SM-Z130H...

Okidoki... few problems with stable connection and few other isssues... but


I was able to transfer 500 MB file in 50 minutes...


It is the only GM which ignore my RL...



Otherwise I where not able to use my Gear S2... which I have bought from Ebay... in used condition and half dead...


Best Regards

Slawek Kowalski

>> Otherwise I where not able to use my Gear S2... which I have bought from Ebay... in used condition and half dead...

Do you want to connect two Gear S2 by SAP?

If yes, I think you don't need two Gear devices. You can use Android phone as 2nd Gear.

Communication protocol is the same for all devices. After tests with success on a phone you can launch RTL

service for two Gear S2 and finally test on both watches. Usually they are in the same room and can communicate each other.


Peter Wegner

My English is limited.


"Is SAP supported by Tizen mobile native?"

"""""""Yes""""""... example was this:



Exact this App work with my SM-Z130H...


According to this document:



3 Hardware devices are involved.

Computer<----->Android handset<------>Gear Sx


WHY this not possible

Computer<------>Gear Sx


Direct Connection between 2 devices.



Why this is not PUBLIC supported?

Tizen handset<---->Tizen Gear Sx



I have NO idea if Tizen 3.0 or Tizen 4.0 or Tizen 5.0 or Tizen 60000 will change something.


My Tizen Reference RD-PQ is uselsess with Gear "SAP" connections...


In near future SM-Z400F and SM-Z400Y will be launched... with Tizen

I guess same "problems"...


Best Regards

Slawek Kowalski

It is werid, why Samsung didn't prepare SAP support for the most used devices to make life easier...

There is only support for Androd phones and Wearable (Gear 2/Neo/S/S2/S3). Still missing SAP for

computers. Users will be over the moon if they could transfer favorite music files direct from computer to Gear.

What with SAP for Tizen mobile (Native or/and Web)?  And  didn't hear about support for iPhone users.


I doubt it is a huge work, maybe some job for 1-2 good developers. I suppose the problem is a gigantic bureaucracy  in Samsung corp.