
Porting 2.3 native app. to 2.2.1



I'm suffering from porting 2.3 native app to 2.2.1 tizen device.


I know that the framework api is difference

2.3 use CAPI, 2.2.1 use C++ wrapper


but, my idea is 2.2.1 also has CAPI & relative .so files in device. -> i will work

so i put the header and so file in 2.2.1 IDE,

the source code using CAPI is supposed to be build & compile & linked


i succeeded to build & install the simple application.

but, it's not launched.


ospmain() not executed. i couldn't see the "Application started" log

OspMain(int argc, char* pArgv[])
 AppLog("Application started.");



The source code using CAPI will invoke when i press the button on the screen.

I placed 1 CAPI functions on the event handle fuctnion "OnActionPerformed"

the source code using CAPI not is not related to OspMain()



A strange thing is if i delete the source code using CAPI.

the application is launched properly.



Is there any idea about this problem?? i can't even guess what the matter is.

( i denoted prevelige in xml)



--> fixed : using libcapi*.so from device in IDE

编辑者为: jongha lim 08 3月, 2015


1 回复
Marco Buettner

You port your 2.3 apps to 2.2.1? Why? o0