
PHP를 지원하는지 궁금합니다

Tizen Wearable을 이용해  Native app을 만들고 있습니다.

현재 MySQL을 PHP와 연동한 상태인데,

이제 여기서 궁금한 것은 Tizen의 PHP 지원 여부입니다.

만약 PHP가 지원이 안된다면 다른 지원되는 서버스크립트언어가 있는지 궁금합니다.


编辑者为: M KH 29 4月, 2016


1 回复
Nafisul Islam Kiron

Hello, Tizen has 2 types of application.

1. Web application (HTML5 and JavaScript)

2. Native application (C/C++)


PHP and Mysql can be used on servers, Tizen applications can use those as web service.

Similarly and other web service languages/platforms like .Net, Node Js, Java, Ruby, Python will also work.

* If you are planning to use PHP and Mysql for programming Tizen app then that will not work as it is not supported. Tizen only supports C and HTML5.