


I just started Tizen native Application development.

I have installed IDE for mac(64bit).


When I test with my device connected is pretty works nice,

But in amulator I shows PACKAGE INVALID error.


Below is build messages.

[Installing the package...]

$ /usr/bin/pkginfo --pkg X6XLWz6kmB | grep -i Removable

$ /usr/bin/pkgcmd -l  | grep X6XLWz6kmB

$ /usr/bin/pkgcmd -q -i -t tpk -p /opt/usr/apps/tmp/X6XLWz6kmB-1.0.0-i386.tpk

path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/X6XLWz6kmB-1.0.0-i386.tpk

start process (install)


error : 2


end process (fail)

processing result : PACKAGE_INVALID [2] failed

spend time for pkgcmd is [492]ms


(2.224 sec)



I do not know why it searching i386 packages.

Is there anyway to figure out?




I already read HJ Jeon's post, but I can get a hunch how to figure it out.

specific answer would be pretty greeted. Sorry for my English.


7 回复
Alex Ashirov


Are you able to run on the emulator other applications? E.g. samples provided with the SDK?

Juneyoung Oh

I got couple of sample codes from Samsung Ocean Center. It runs well when I connect Tizen device with IDE, but in emulator answer is no. Every single project sends error message "PACKAGE INVALID". I think it should find x86_64, not i386 in build time. Am I wrong? Thanks for getting interested in my problem :-) 

Alex Ashirov

I have not faced such errors before. What SDK version do you use? 2.2.0 or 2.2.1? Also, can you right click on your project and then run Build Package->TPK.

Alex Ashirov


Have you solved your problem?

Juneyoung Oh

Sorry, I am so late. I could not sole this problem yet and my SDK is 2.2.1.

However, I found out something interesting. 

When I run native Tizen application this 'PACKAGE_INVALID' thing still happens, but when I try to run Tizen Web Application it works fine.



YoungJin Suh

I just have the same problem...

I found that /usr/bin/pkgcmd file is removed... 

I don't know why this file is removed... but I think I should reinstall this SDK again...



한국어를 읽으실 수 있으시다면... 

아침까지 잘되었다가 저도 같은 에러가 있어서 확인해보니...

/usr/bin/pkgcmd 파일을 확인해봤는데 파일이 지워지고 없네요.

SDK를 다시 설치해보면 해결되지 않을까 싶네요.

Juneyoung Oh

Thanks for answer. I just confirm that I do not have that file, too. 

I will try reinstall SDK and report again :D


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