
Messaging App Dilemma

Hi all,

I am trying to create an app where i need to access  all the messages present inside the Inbox( or any other messagebox) and store them in another DB specific to my app. I have found an API to search the message boxes SearchMessageBoxN..and shows the list based on the search result. What I want is to have all the messages without any search..messages in all the boxes and store them accordingly. Is it possible to do so. Is there any API for that. Please help.

Thanks and Regards

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


1 回复
Alex Dem
Hi Try to watch MessageSender example. I think that all basic possibilities regarding SmsManager using could be observed there. I did not face with api that looks like a GetAllMessages(SmsMessageBoxType type) to get all messages. All I could suggest in your case is try to find all messages via SearchMessageBoxN api: Tizen::Base::String pKeyword(L""); int count =pSmsManager->GetTotalMessageCount(SMS_MESSAGE_BOX_TYPE_ALL); pSmsMessageList = pSmsManager->SearchMessageBoxN(SMS_MESSAGE_BOX_TYPE_ALL, &pKeyword, 0, count , totalResultCount); I hope it should works. Alexey.