I can't open image using ImageViewer AppControl in sdk 2,2b on device
I am mograting one of my app and it used to work on 2.0
String uri = String(L"file://") + App::GetInstance()->GetAppDataPath() + "image.jpg";
AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.imageviewer",
if (pAc)
pAc->Start(&uri, null, null, null);
delete pAc;
// result Tizen::Io::FileEventManager::AddPath(const Tizen::Base::String&, long unsigned int)(71) > [E_FILE_NOT_FOUND] An entry for the specified path[/opt/apps/AppId/data/image.jpg] could not be found.
Is it only working for files located in MyFiles path or ... ?