
IAP Status

I am using developer mode and operationId = http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/iap/purchase and os version 2.2.

So I am starting my purchase like this:

    AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.videoplayer", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view");
      Item_eventlisteners::isPlayingMovie = true;
      pAc->Start(pDataList, null);
      delete pAc;
    delete pDataList;

And recieve the response in

OnAppControlCompleteResponseReceived(const Tizen::App::AppId& appId, const Tizen::Base::String& operationId,
        Tizen::App::AppCtrlResult appControlResult, const Tizen::Base::Collection::IMap* pResultMap)

Then I am getting result status:

        Integer status  = *((Integer*)(pResultMap->GetValue(String(L"_result"))));

And the result status is 17.

But according to tizen inapp documentation results can be:

        Unknown = -1,               /*!< The status code for unkown status. */
        Succeed = 0,                /*!< The status code for success. */
        Cancel = 100,               /*!< The status code if the user cancels. */
        NetworkError = 200,         /*!< The status code for network errors. */
        ProcessError = 9000,        /*!< The status code for process errors. */
        ServiceUnavailable = 9200,  /*!< The status code for service errors. */
        ItemGroupIdNotFound = 9201, /*!< The status code if the item group ID is not found. */
        PaymentIdNotFound = 9203,   /*!< The status code if the payment ID is not found. */
        ItemIdNotFound = 9207       /*!< The status code if the item ID is not found. */

So the question is:

1. What is the status 17?

2. What I am doing wrong?

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 回复
Alan Savage
try something like below? see BuyHashMapUtils::GetIntegerValue() in IAP native sample const String * sVal = static_cast(pResultMap->GetValue(aKey)); int aOut; retval = Integer::Parse(*sVal, aOut);
Sergey Garkavenko
Yes, for now it works perfectly. Thank you so much! =)