I'm looking for a way to display a RGB565 btimap.
My app is a simple bitmap viewer. Current I'm using pixel's buffer not a file, because my app receive a input data as RGB raw.
So, I use evas_object_image_data_set function and I pass a pixel's buffer(RGB raw) to this function.
When colorspace is EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888, there is no problem. But when colorspace is EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB565_A5P, app is crashed.
Since input data is RGB565 format, I have to use EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB565_A5P colorspace.
I tried a way to convert RGB565 to ARGB8888, but I couldn't satisfy the performance.
How to display RGB565 bitmap in native 2.3?
Thank you!