
How to change the build package way in Tizen IDE-2.4?

I write a native application. The application need load some files in begining and change those files if necessary. I chose to put the files in /data/ floder due to the /res/ floder is read only.

then I package the project into *.tpk file. however, the *.tpk file dont include the /data/ floder, which bring the probles that after installing the *.tpk, the application cannt work, because the application cannt load necessary files in beginning.

how can i solve this ?


2 回复
Mehedi Alamgir

When you build the project , it it shows any error ?

If not , then which api you used to retrieve files content from data directory ?

tang jie

There is just a warning about screen size.

I use app_get_data_path() to get data directory path.