
GroupListView open and close group

Hi :D

Tell me please how to open and close any group in GroupListView. I would like to click the icon GroupA or GroupB and close or open tab groups :D

I have seen function CloseContextItem() and OpenContextItem() but how use this function I dont understand (

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


8 回复
Alex Dem
Hi, I sure you should use another api to achieve this functionallity: 1)to open/close specified group please use: result ExpandGroup(int groupIndex) result CollapseGroup(int groupIndex) 2)to open/close all groups please use: result ExpandAllGroups() result CollapseAllGroups() 3)to check is specified group expanded now or not, please use: bool IsGroupExpanded(int groupIndex) Alexey.
Levan Gogohia
Pushpa G
Hi, From the requirement, its not clear whether its ContextItem Open/Close (or) Group Expand/Collapse. Incase of ContextItem Open/Close (or) Group Expand/Collapse, both these should be done afer adding all the items to the List, i.e., after CreateItem is invoked for "N" number of items. Calling it immediately after AddControl() or in OnInitializing() will not give desired results. In UiControls sample app, the GroupedListView is created with ContextItem. Either of ContextItem Open/Close (or) Group Expand/Collapse can be performed on some user action. Example in this case, you can do it when User clicks on the Group Item. Here every Alternate click will Open the Context Item and other will "close" Same can be done for Collapse or Expand Group. Check the below code for more details GroupedListViewForm.h: ---------------------- virtual void OnGroupedListViewGroupItemSelected(Tizen::Ui::Controls::GroupedListView& listView, int groupIndex); GroupedListViewForm.cpp: ---------------------- void GroupedListViewForm::OnGroupedListViewGroupItemSelected(Tizen::Ui::Controls::GroupedListView& listView, int groupIndex) { static int i = 0; if(i%2==0) { __pList->OpenContextItem(0, 0); __pList->CollapseGroup(0); } else { __pList->CloseContextItem(0, 0); __pList->ExpandGroup(0); } i++; }
Levan Gogohia

Please tell me whether you can change the text size in GroupListView, it just, I have only one size and color, and I want another one. Prompt after that? Font?

Alex Ashirov


You need to use

result Tizen::Ui::Controls::CustomItem::AddElement (const Tizen::Graphics::FloatRectangle& rect, int elementId, const Tizen::Base::String& text, float textSize, const Tizen::Graphics::Color& normalTextColor, const Tizen::Graphics::Color& pressedTextColor, const Tizen::Graphics::Color& highlightedTextColor, bool textSliding = true);

in order to customize text size and color.

Levan Gogohia

how are you find this :D I'm read all documentaion :D



y Rajyalakshmi


How can we make all the lists collapse for the very first time.



Alex Ashirov

You can use CollapseAllGroups () method. But please note the following:
1.    The feature of collapsing all groups is only supported when GroupedListView is constructed with GROUPED_LIST_VIEW_STYLE_INDEXED style.
2.    This method should be called only after list items are created. For this purpose you should call UpdateList() method before CollapseAllGroups () (for example, during Tizen::Ui::Control::OnInitializing()).