
GenList / Gengrid Help

Hi All

Please ssuggest elm widgets/ approach for below UI creation.


A List of Items - Each item will have 5 or more subitems-

Item List need to be Vertical But SubItem List should come horizontally along with each item.

mainItem 1 SubItem1-1 SubItem1-2 SubItem1-3  
mainItem 2 SubItem2-1 SubItem2-2 SubItem2-3  
... ... ... ...  


 num of mainitems is dynamic and no of child also can change but no of childs will always be same for all main items.

Traversal needs to be as in GenList (main and Sub should be focused separately.)

Width for main and subitem is diffrent.


Is it possible to achive this using GenList . ?




Thanks in advance. 





4 回复
colin Rao

Yes, I think it's ok by using Genlist. For horizontal sub-items, we can use an horizontal box as parent of the sub-items. 

colin Rao


Another way, I think it's better to use a table container widget. Rows for main items and cells for sub-items.

Deepak Patel

Hi Colin


could you please elaborate a little more regarding use of table widget?

what i understand is to put list in table and use RowSpan ?

and sablist in other columns and rowspan?


Curently i tried following approach but none of this seem to be handling my scenario well.

1. GenList for Main Items and GridList for SubItems - Problem scenario is focus handling since managing focus using box etc creates a lot of extra work to manage focus. 

2.Box - I keep both lists in box. List to list transition is maintained but If i press Left on Sub-Item2 , it goes to previously selected item (mainitem1)


I am trying to get it done from 1 list so as to avoid extra work of focus handling. ^^

but seems like no elm widget can provide that ?


Best option till now seems to be maintaining 2 lists.

but Problem is i can not manage focus in both. 

Suppose I press down on SubItem List , I expect that mainitem List too handle that event. (it does not need to change the focus in mainlist.. but if i press left and go to mainlist , it should move to current items parent and not previously selected item in main list)



i hope its not too confusing  ^^


Thanks in advance.


Alex Dem

Afaik no ready widget for your case. I think you should implement it yourself (as you trying).