
Error from linker: cannot find /lib/libc.so.6


While trying to compile using our own build system (scons), I'm getting this error from the linker: ld.exe: cannot find /lib/libc.so.6

I'm adding the option --sysroot="d:/tizen-studio/platforms/tizen-2.4/mobile/rootstraps/mobile-2.4-device.core/" to the linker command, and I copied all the options used by the IDE, and the file is there. Is there anything I'm missing? Maybe something in the environment variables, etc? Is there any documentation or examples about how to build and link a native binary from command line?




5 回复
Shaswati Saha

Why you're trying to link using CLI instead of Tizen studio? You may follow the steps described in this link and link using Tizen studio easily.

Ariel Manzur

Hi, thanks for the reply. I need to use the command line to build and link because our project builds for 12 different platforms, so we can't maintain 1 IDE project for each platform, it's much easier to adapt our existing build system to each new platform. That's why some documentation would help, so I can put the correct parameter on our build system. Thanks!


Did you add '-L'  linker option for the following pathes?




Ariel Manzur

Hi. Yes, I added multiple versions of the path, here is the full command at the moment:

d:/tizen-studio/tools/llvm-3.7/bin/clang++ -o bin\godot.tizen.debug.armv7.exe --sysroot="d:/tizen-studio/platforms/tizen-2.4/mobile/rootstraps/mobile-2.4-device.core/" -L d:/tizen-studio/platforms/tizen-2.4/mobile/rootstraps/mobile-2.4-device.core/ -L../lib -L d:/tizen-studio/platforms/tizen-.4/mobile/rootstraps/mobile-2.4-device.core//lib -L d:/tizen-studio/platforms/tizen-2.4/mobile/rootstraps/mobile-2.4-device.core//usr/lib -gcc-toolchain d:/tizen-studio/tools/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9 -target arm-tizen-linux-gnueabi -ccc-gcc-name arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ platform\tizen\godot_tizen.tizen.debug.armv7.o platform\tizen\os_tizen.tizen.debug.armv7.o -Lplatform\lib main\libmain.tizen.debug.armv7.a modules\libmodules.tizen.debug.armv7.a bin\tests\libtests.tizen.debug.armv7.a drivers\libdrivers.tizen.debug.armv7.a scene\libscene.tizen.debug.armv7.a servers\libservers.tizen.debug.armv7.a core\libcore.tizen.debug.armv7.a

there's still some stuff missing from the longer command we copied from the IDE (mostly all the libraries it links with using -l), but this is the smaller command that reproduces the error with libc


Is it the exact command line you are using? the line looks corrupted somehow. few characters are missing or misplaced.