I have two questions:
- Using a public array (e.g. public g_arr[5]) returns an error. Is there a way to walkaround that. I mean to have a global array in the 'script' part of an 'group' section of an edje file?
- There is an 'Edje list calls' part in one of the edje file's documentations (e.g. https://review.tizen.org/git/?p=framework/uifw/edje.git;a=blob;f=data/include/edje.inc;h=dfa541606991f612bc838d35514b4c903fb31979;hb=HEAD) with functions like:
native append_int (id, v);
native prepend_int(id, v);
How the edje lists can be used in a edje file? How to get a working 'id'?
Thank you for your help.