
Different Status Code for Push API

I have created a push notification application. Till yesterday, It was working fine. But today when I tried to send push notifications, it is not working. 

In client side I can see that , the application is registering with the server and printing the Reg ID. But in the server , I am getting error like below,

"statusCode":3046,"statusMsg":"error of not allowed to use Push Server" . and I am not able to send the push notification from the server.

I tried to look for the status code in the following link 


 but I couldn't find the status code which is printing the log. !! What could be the problem ?


编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 回复
wil smith
If you request the push service for testing purposes only, the duration of the push service is limited to 3 weeks. Probably your push service has been expired.
Jean-Marc Huijskens
Hi Leo, do you use the Web or the native API for the push notification?