
CLI Certificate Path Problems
I have been using the tizen-studio 2.3 CLI version, but have been unable to set a certificate profile: "Not found a file of security profiles. Please check specified path" when i use the command: "add -n gabeschneider -a ./tizen-studio-data.3/keystore/author/author.p12"(with a password). Any ideas what could be going wrong? The path definitely exists and is working outside of tizen-studio. Thanks


3 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Would you please try full path from root directory in '-a' (author certificate path) parameter of 'tizen security-profiles add' command.


For example:

$ tizen security-profiles add -n gabeschneider -a /home/YourPath/tizen-studio-data.3/keystore/author/author.p12 -p *******
Gabel Schneider
Already tried that, also did not work :( Maybe theres a problem with my profiles path?
Armaan-Ul- Islam

# Check your Profiles path using command:

tizen cli-config -l

May go following the path and find profiles.xml file.


# You can set the profiles path by command:

$ tizen cli-config –g default.profiles.path=~/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.tizen.common.sign/profiles.xml

(example path)


# To list the Security Profiles:

tizen security-profiles list