I'm working on generating some bitmap files from canvas and in order to debug possible issues I want to dump the bitmap to a file.
The code seems to work correctly but I'm unable to find the file I'm creating on the device. The file is created correctly as I don't get any error and I'm also able to re-open the file successfully.
I tried to create the file both on data and on shared/data. Both scucceed but when I use connection explorer or SDB to look into the device I don't find those directories.
All I see on the device is:
I also tried to pull the whole /opt/apps/appID folder but no luck either.
Any suggestions on where I can find the files I create?
If you'd like more details here is the code and deboug log:
String dstPath = Tizen::App::App::GetInstance()->GetAppRootPath() + L"shared/data/test_out.xbm";
AppLog("Dump bitmap to file %ls", dstPath.GetPointer());
r = img.EncodeToFile(*textBitmap, IMG_FORMAT_BMP, dstPath, true);
AppAssertf(!IsFailed(r), "Failed to encode bitmap to file");
//Double check the file was created successfully
Tizen::Io::File testReopen;
r = testReopen.Construct(dstPath, "r");
if (r == E_SUCCESS) {
AppLog("File was opened successfully");
Log output:
09-23 12:02:22.355 : INFO / TestGlesCanvasTexture ( 1830 : 1830 ) : bool GlesCanvasTexture::_InitCanvasTexture(const std::string &, float, float, int, int, void *)(540) > Dump bitmap to file /opt/apps/Etr3e8zVz6/shared/data/test_out.xbm
09-23 12:02:22.410 : INFO / TestGlesCanvasTexture ( 1830 : 1830 ) : bool GlesCanvasTexture::_InitCanvasTexture(const std::string &, float, float, int, int, void *)(548) > File was opened successfully