
Bluetooth Client

Dear All,

I would like to develop a simple application that should work in this way:

Actors: 1) Samsung Galaxy s3 gear 2) Raspberry Pi

Functionality: After pressing a button on the galaxy s3, the smartwatch sends one charater to the Raspberry Pi via bluetooth.


My question is: which is the correct way to realize this kind of trasmission with bluetooth?

I need a very fast connection, Can you help me to devise a solution please?

Thank You for your support,



2 回复
Slawek Kowalski

You can use Bluetoot API or web socket via some ip port in case local network.

Both connections are supported via Raspberry Pi 3.




Armaan-Ul- Islam

You may Start From the...

Tizen Native: Bluetooth Guide

Tizen Native: Bluetooth API References


BLE communication could also be an option.