
app info data - missing installation date

How to get app's installation date? I can read label, icon etc but there is not funtion to get date when app was installed.

It is very simple in Web App (field lastModified) but how about native app? Is there any way to get that value?

I use app_info_h and functions to get app details but missing installation date or I am blind.



编辑者为: Slawek Kowalski 10 8月, 2017


3 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Have you successfully derived 'Installation Date' using 'lastModified' yourself ?


About Native, When the case is you're the developer of the app, you should be able to find a workarround to log the installation timestamp. But when it comes to fetching data from other's applications, things become difficult. I haven't seen such funtion returning installation date directly yet.


Package Manager API provides some usefull Information. Check these out , May be helpful for you.





Slawek Kowalski

No, I haven't found a way to get an installation date by Tizen native API.

Theres is a field installDate (not lastModified, my mistake) in Web API. Try to belivie

theres is not the same property in native api.

Armaan-Ul- Islam

I believed you already, that is why I supported your statement saying "I haven't seen such funtion returning installation date directly yet." !!


Anyways, Does Package Manager API provides some usefull information to you ? You can also check the 'Application Information' API for some other information, but 'installantion date' is not offered by this API. May be it's only available in Tizen Web API.

