
Tizen Studio 1.0 CLI installer failing on Ubuntu(16.04 LTS) 32-bit

I am testing out the CLI installer for a headless Ubuntu 16.04 LTS development machine.

First, it seems the usage documentation and web-cli_Tizen_Studio_1.0_ubuntu-32.bin are inconsistent.  In order to make it as far as I did I had to read the bash script code to find out that I should be passing -install as an argument.  Once I did that I was able to get further into the binary portion, but ultimately it fails with the following output:

 CLI mode, installer does not need GUI Environment.

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child died with signal 13
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
 The download file appears to be corrupted.
 Please do not attempt to install this archive file.


--Stephen Engelman


3 回复
Taekgoo Kim


I downloaded CLI installer and tried to install same OS with GUI environment, but didn't see same error message.

It seems to me the file you've downloaded might be corrupted or something.  The bash script checks the checksum of orignal file with unzipped file before installation.

If you have still same problem, can you download it again and try to install once more time?




Iqbal Hossain


Are you using virtual machine ?

Taekgoo Kim

Hi, Hossain

Sorry for the late reply.

To you question, Yes.  I installed it on the virtual machine (Virtual Box) since I am using Ubuntu 14.04 64bit now.  However, I guess it hasn't something to do with VM because the bash scripts say the error message would be presented when the checksum is wrong.  

