
Is there any easy way to set default background colour?


Is there any easy way to change default background color on Tizen (for example on Gear 2 change background colour from black to white)?


1 回复
Marco Buettner

Yeah, but its really a bit tricky...

This code changes on the fly

var contentElems = document.querySelectorAll('.ui-content') // fetch all containers by class .ui-content
for(var i = 0; i < contentElems.length; i++)
contentElems.style.background = "#fff";
contentElems.style.color = "#000";


better is, you define a own class (exp: white) on your css file.

.white {background: #fff !important; color: #000}

And add the class to your after ui-content in the HTML Wrap

<div class="ui-content white"></div>

Now you should have a white background.

Hint: Some tau widgets use seperate color definition. So you have to change this elements also. (exp: toggle switch)