
Does the India server of the Remote Test lab work for anyone?

Is anyone able to use the India server of the Remote Test lab? I tried every combination of OS, Device and device model but keep getting the same error:

Connection cannot be established. The server is down or there is a problem with your network connection.

I contacted Samsung twice with no response. Anyone else got luck?



10 回复
Peter Wegner

India Server is offline since weeks/month(s)...

No idea if they have "New Year Holidays"...



Best Regards

Peter Wegner



""The Remote Test Lab service enables developers to access Tizen smartphone through the web and to install and test applications on the devices.

This is not only the most effective and easiest way to test the compatibility of an application with Tizen smartphone but also the best way to cut down on hardware costs for test devices.""



Please fix India Server...

No idea if offline only for users outside India....


Best Regards

Modern Alchemist

Thanks for the link. Glad I'm not the only one.


I tried to use the Remote Test Lab once and only one of the servers were working correctly. Dont remember which one

Modern Alchemist

Good news. Servers are up again!

Modern Alchemist

How do you activate wifi?

Peter Wegner

T'hanx for feedback.


I have only short tested... Found Z3 which working... but no luck with Z2...

hangs on Loading Screen... but still no connection... as all menus are greyed...


About WiFi...

This depend sometimes on luck... Because not all devices on all Servers are working... sometimes...

You can try right click Mouse... follow menu...

Manage-> Reset WiFi


You can find here password etc to try manually... BUT I remember... this leads sometimes no to successfully connection...

Sometimes Reboot help for few problems...

For instance if Connection is success... but you see nothing... black screen

You can check with right mouse... Explorer conections... SDB or Telnet working proper...


Other problem sometimes I was able to fix with Reboot...

If Mouse do nothing nor Keys working...


Reboot not fix all Problems... and also WiFi is sometimes impossible to activate manually...

It is worth to try different Servers and different devices to check if whole Server have problems... or only few devices makes trouble...


Meanwhile Z2 IN2 seems connected... but Screen is black and Exploer not connected....

So I will try reboot and try later again if more luck.


Here I saw some feedback...



Maybe not all problems fixed... but after all this weeks big progress.


Best Regards

Peter Wegner



I know what you mean...

I was able to connect to IN1 (Z2)...


WiFi infos not help as you can not find internet4rtl... but Wifi work to detect something...

Seems more things not proper... as no device-profile.xml ... so no installation work...


No idea if broken again or not fixed proper...


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Short tested with Z3...

You can not find Router called interent4rtl...

I have not checked if hidden...

But so none of India devices have working WiFi yet...


We have to wait for more fixes or better fixes...


Thanx in advance.


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

RTL India seems not complete fixed...


WiFi now connect to "something" ... but no Internet connection...

Tested by simple clicking 2 apps:


Tizen Store


Please fix this problem next week.

And carefully test if all proper work...




Thanx in advance.


Best Regards